Connect Groups

Connect Groups have one, simple purpose: to bring people together. We believe God created us to live in relationship with others and only then can we live the full life He intends for us. Sharing life through community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. That’s why Connect Groups exist—to make these life-changing relationships relevant and accessible to you.

Summer Connect Groups

Summer Connect Group Dates:

June 16th - July 28th

Summer Connect Group Directory

Leading a Connect Group 

Once you complete our three-step Freedom Growth Track, you will have the opportunity to join the Freedom Team by becoming a Connect Group Leader. 

Leading a Connect Group isn’t about being perfect; it’s about serving others by giving them a place to connect. Hosting a group is simple—choose a topic that interests you and select a time and location to meet with others to share it. We give you essential tools to make your Connect Group successful through Leadership Training and a directory where you can register your group so others can find it easily. We believe people’s lives are changed one semester at a time by moving one step toward Christ, and as a Connect Group Leader you get to play an important role in that process.

Table Groups

Table Groups will meet during our Fall and Spring Semesters. Each group will take place in a home, break bread, pray, and share testimonies. 

Fall Table Group Leader Requirements

Group Size:

  • Minimum Group Size 4 people (including host or hosts)
  • Maximum Group Size 8 people (including host or hosts)
  • Every Group will have an additional 2 open seats for new people who come to church, and they will be placed in a group based on what area of Chattanooga they live in.


  • Groups must be held around a table in a home (no couches, coffee shops, or restaurants)
  • Groups can meet for a meal time (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) or a different time of the day (coffee, tea, dessert)
  • A full meal is not required, but some type of food is required to be served (coffee & dessert, tea and pastries, charcuterie board, etc.)
  • Every group meeting must include a time of breaking bread, sharing testimonies, and prayer

sign up here to lead a Table Group

Fall Table Group Dates

Fall Semester: August 18th - November 17th

August 18th Table Meal at Freedom

The Church Provides: Fried Chicken, Drinks, Rolls, and Dessert

Congregation brings:

Corn (any style)

Potatoes (made any way)

Beans (of any kind)

Mac and Cheese

November 17th Table Meal at Freedom

Church Provides: Turkey and Dressing, Drinks, Rolls, and Dessert

Congregation brings Thanksgiving Sides